Join this Boutique Preschool as the starting point for meaningful learning. Admission forms will be issued from August 1st 2024. A School which believes that every child is unique. Each child has her or his own trend of learning. Parents say that being a TBS family member is an Opportunity.


Solar energy is an important and material component of Green School’s renewable energy and carbon emissions reduction strategy.

Using a source of renewable energy helps not only the school but the contiguous neighborhood as well. Installing solar enables our school to run on clean energy while at the same time combating greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. In addition, especially with on-site solar installation, it reduces dependence on outsourced fossil fuels and promotes renewable energy use in the surrounding area.
The Bio-Bus project which we shall start soon will result in multiple learning opportunities and practical sustainability solutions. The decrease in passenger car trips will result in carbon emissions reductions, as well as the ecological benefits of recycling cooking oil and using biofuel as a fuel alternative. As well, a byproduct of the cooking oil recycling process is glycerin which can be further processed into sustainable soap products. We plan to implement all these on gradual phases with the students.

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