Join this Boutique Preschool as the starting point for meaningful learning. Admission forms will be issued from August 1st 2024. A School which believes that every child is unique. Each child has her or his own trend of learning. Parents say that being a TBS family member is an Opportunity.

Ms.Usha Iyer Principal

The Bangalore School Trust was established in 2012 with a vision to make education accessible to everyone. The vision has been that “No child should be left behind and education is accessible for all”. We started The Bangalore School (TBS), an early childhood center under the banner of The Bangalore School TrustWe brought about this change in the way education is perceived. It’s a blend of four philosophies and the methodology is very hands-on. Learning by doing makes the children think out of the box. The kids are exposed to holistic learning and it enables the students to become free thinkers and helps them to make their own decisions. It helps them develop their personality in every aspect. The Green infrastructure in The Green School Bangalore (TGSB), the new elementary wing, is awe-inspiring.

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